Things you Must Know When you are Pregnant

Confirming you are pregnant.
Am I pregnant? Confirming you are pregnant Well, you’ve waited and waited, your body feels like it’s changing already (or perhaps it doesn’t) and you are dying to find out whether that sneaking suspicion is actually correct. So you...

Know about false positive and false negative results.
False results in home pregnancy tests and reasons false positives positive test results that turn out to be negative later pregnancy test was expired chemical pregnancy or early miscarriage fertility treatment is underway some....

How many weeks pregnant are you?
Dear mum, you are reasonably sure by now that you are pregnant, and so congratulations are in order. Despite being sure of the pregnancy,...

Male fertility and female fertility – know the difference.
The basics of male fertility a sperm’s life-cycle is around 3 months. That is why when male fertility treatment involves changes in diet or environment, couples are asked to wait for 3 months before trying for pregnancy again. Low male...

Ovulation symptoms to watch out for.
Listen to your body and you may be amazed at what it is telling you. Ovulation symptoms can be subtle but often quite noticeable once you know what to look for. They involve your body's normal response to the natural changes in hormones that occur at...

All you need to know about baby poop.
You as a parent sometimes don’t realise how important it is to learn about your baby’s poop. The colours and textures as well as the frequency can tell you a great deal about your baby's health...