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16 Weeks pregnant - What to expect ?

Những thay đổi của thai nhi tuần thứ 16

By the time you are 16 weeks pregnant you have probably had a couple of ante-natal appointments already. As part of a standard series of medical checks conducted in early pregnancy, specialised blood tests are included. If you haven’t already had these, or for some reason they’ve been missed, check with your midwife or obstetrician. It is important that your blood type, blood counts and immunity to certain diseases are checked for your own, as well as your baby’s health.

If you fit into a higher risk category of having a baby with chromosomal problems, you may be offered a CVS-(Chorionic Villus Sampling) test, or Amniocentesis. It is possible to have a CVS before 12 weeks, though it can also be performed a little later. Amniocentesis is usually performed between 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, though again, can be done at a later stage of gestation as well. Both of these tests require an ultrasound at the same time, to check exactly where the placenta and the baby are positioned in the uterus.

Right, what do I need to do?

You will probably find you are entering into a more practical, down to earth stage of your pregnancy from here on. Your energy levels have returned and you can focus on things other than how tired you feel. Now is the time to investigate your maternity leave entitlements from work and to plan how you will manage if you need to drop to one wage.

This is also the time to do your research into childcare if you think you will need it. Although this may seem very premature, spaces at many centres are limited and often have long waiting lists. You may also want to start thinking about the room allocation at your home. Which room will be the nursery? Will the baby need to share the room with a sibling? All of these factors need time to discuss and consider.

Your physical changes this week

  • This week the fundus, or top or your uterus, will be around 16cm from your pubic bone. This means you may well be starting to show that you are pregnant. 
  • You may find your gums are sensitive and bleed easily when you brush your teeth. Change your toothbrush regularly and avoid using any texture other than soft. Brush twice a day, floss daily and don’t forget to brush the back of your tongue-where decay causing bacteria breed. Make sure you have at least one dental check-up during your pregnancy. Gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, is one of the risk factors for premature labour so now, more than ever, your oral hygiene is ultra important.
  • You might still be prone to constipation and a general slowing down in the bowel department. Water, roughage, fruits, vegetables, grain based cereals and exercise are all naturally effective remedies to keep the bowel working as it should.
  • You are likely to have an increase in your vaginal discharge which, though annoying, is not necessarily a sign of infection. During pregnancy it is usually milky white or clear, but unless it causes itching or smells don’t be concerned. The mucous producing cells in your vagina play a protective role in keeping infection at bay.
  • You may find you get sharp twinges of pain on the sides of your tummy now. Those ligaments and muscles which are supporting your enlarging uterus are getting a work out and sometimes they protest. Try not to move suddenly, sit when you can and avoid standing for long periods if possible. If this is affecting your work, ask your supervisor if you can modify your work area to make it a bit more comfortable for you.

Your emotional changes this week

  • You could feel as if your baby is taking over your body, not to mention your mind. It can be hard to concentrate on what needs to be done at work and home when your brain is so baby focused. Try not to feel like you’re the only one who feels this way; it is a common experience for pregnant women.
  • If the news of your pregnancy was less than welcome, you’ve had some time to get your head around it by now. Many women find that by the time they feel their baby’s movements, at 17-18 weeks, they have come to accept the reality of having a baby. Don’t be concerned if you’re not awash with maternal feelings. What is important at this stage of your pregnancy is that you care well for yourself and do not take unnecessary risks which could jeopardise yours or your baby’s health.
  • Having a baby can bring about changes in a woman’s relationship with her own parents. You are likely to find yourself reflecting back on your own childhood and what it was like and how it influenced you. All of this pondering is completely normal and simply demonstrates the significance of parenting on a woman’s life.

Baby’s changes this week

  • This week your baby is able to make sideways movements with its eyes. Though its eyelids are still sealed for protection, the muscles which control their eyes are starting to work. They scrunch up their eyes when bright light shines through your abdominal wall at what, to them, probably looks like a reddish glow.
  • Lots of movements from your baby this week. Though unless you’ve been pregnant before, you’re still blissfully unaware.
  • This week your baby can open its little mouth and move its tiny lips. There’s lots of practicing going on as well with breathing and swallowing movements, so that amniotic fluid is constantly being cycled through. Although there’s only a cup or so of fluid surrounding your baby, it is enough to protect and support it in its own warm little bath.
  • This week your baby has probably found its umbilical cord and is holding on to it. Don’t worry that their grip is so tight it will restrict any blood flow, the baby will let go before there is any risk of that happening.

Hints for the week

  • If you are pregnant in the months when the flu is prevalent, e.g. June to September, think about getting immunised. The vaccine won’t hurt your baby and it is recommended as a protective factor for pregnant women.
  • Consider taking a series of pregnancy photos so your can see how your tummy grows in the next few months. This will be a nice keepsake and you’ll be glad you did. Don’t forget to include your partner in a few shots as well; he’s part of this whole pregnancy deal too. Video diaries are also a cute way of tracking pregnancy and the way it progresses.
  • If you have older children this may be the time to tell them about the new baby. It isn’t too long until you will be showing, if you aren’t already, and they will soon be able to feel the baby kicking and moving around. The risk of miscarrying is low by this stage or pregnancy and it is important that siblings have the opportunity to build a sense of connection with the new baby.
  • Don’t forget the sunblock! You will find the amount of darkening pigment (melanin) in your skin is making your freckles and moles a bit darker. Most sunblocks are safe to use during pregnancy and won’t harm you or your baby. Look for one which protects against both UVA (the aging rays) and UVB (the burning rays) and reapply as frequently as recommended.

Week 17 next up!

For more information see Pregnancy or Week by Week.

Yoga videos

Belly dancing

Gate pose

Baby bonding relaxation

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain yourself during exercise. If you feel pain, stop and seek medical attention if necessary.

These programs have been created by Katie Brown - yoga teacher and infant massage specialist

If you are in week 16 of your pregnancy...

Your baby’s due date: November 20 - December 02, 2019

Baby’s star sign: Sagittarius

Chinese year: Pig

Famous people born around your baby's birth date:

  • Winston Churchill
  • Goldie Hawn
  • Bruce Lee


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