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34 Weeks pregnant - What to expect?

Những thay đổi của thai nhi tuần thứ 34

Sshhhh… watch what you say mommy! Your inquisitive little one can hear everything you say by now. In fact, she may be enjoying the lullaby’s you may hum to yourself, so, go ahead and sing to her, don’t worry about being off-key! While you may feel, everything getting squeezed and squashed in your mid-section, stretch out a little whenever possible. Take heart dear mommy, your’ almost there!

If you have a boy, your pregnancy hormones will cause his scrotum to be swollen at birth. Similarly, if you have a baby girl, her vulva will appear puffy and swollen as well. Both changes settle down in the first few weeks after birth.

Your baby is opening and closing his eyes easily now. The vernix caseosa which has been covering your baby's skin is still protecting it at week 34. However, the lanugo - the soft, downy hair which has been covering its skin is starting to disappear this week.

Your physical changes this week

Your Physical Changes on 34th  week

  At 34 weeks, your body is getting ready for the big day and cramping sensations are totally normal. However, if you experience pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding and lower back pain, call your doctor immediately.

  At this stage your belly will seem a little (or a lot) lower – that’s only because the baby may have descended into your pelvis. This may cause more frequent trips to the restroom due to pressure on the bladder. The amniotic fluid is at it’s height during this time allowing baby to grow and have room for its calisthenics.

Hints of the week

Your Physical Changes on 34th  week

  • A "Babymoon" is a great chance to spend some quality time with your partner and focus on what is important. Take your camera and make sure you get some photos of your pregnant belly.
  • You may not be feeling too attractive now but there will come a time when you look back on them and take pleasure in how amazing you looked.
  • Your centre of balance is changing and it is common for pregnant women to fall over. You won't be able to see the ground as clearly because your tummy is getting in the way, so take your time and tread carefully.


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